Thursday, 9 August 2012

Mixed feelings...

As I mentioned in my intro, I have hacked/developed on the didj/df3120 arm boards, they are fantastic little units for cutting your teeth with hacking and linux development but sometimes you just want something that hasn't had it's pins purposed by someone else.

So recently I have been messing around with the raspberry pi, I have mixed feelings about the Pi, it's an arm11 clocked at 700Mhz default, 256MB ram with a custom broadcom gpu (opengl ES 2.0 3d).

It's definitely fulfilled the cheap niche, you can undoubtedly program on it so it fulfills the foundations aims.  My pi board worked great right out of the box, my son's pi needed the crystal for the smsc ethernet/usb chip reflowing before the usb would work. 

Power is finicky on the pi, you have to find the right combo of psu and powered usb hub, even then you may or may not get a specific usb device to work, experimentation is key.  Don't get me wrong, I like the pi, I was aware of quite a few of the caveats before I purchased it, so some of these issues are to be expected and I have learnt a few things on the way but right now the specific project I wanted the pi for (apart from tinkering) has stalled, hence the mixed feelings.  I really need to bite the bullet and look at a full blown arm dev board.

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